Posts tagged with "float tube"

fresh fish · 20. June 2016
fishing in Switzerland can be fun too...
BASS · 16. September 2013
15. May 2013
Again and again! Yesterday I spent again on Lake Barret float tubing. The morning was not bad and I caught several fish on Deps Stabcraw and Megabass V-Flat Spinnerbait. I also could watch bass which chased small fish in the shallow water, nice spectacle! Unfortunately I forgot my SD-Card on the campus so sorry for just some iPhone Pics. The afternoon was really slow and I just caught one last fish... Even the bad afternoon I'm happy again about catching some bass! Thanks for reading - stay...
BASS · 01. May 2013
Long time ago I caught the last fish here in SD or anywhere else. Time to put up some BASS! May 1, I fished the opening at Lake Barret, CA. As I heard this opening means a lot to most of the anglers in San Diego and it's hard to get the license to fish there. Fortunately I got a fishingbuddie here who organized me a tube spot for this day. We arrived at around 4am and there were already 50 trucks or more waiting. By the way I was the only one with a normal car, strange feeling next to all the...
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